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abstract data type, abstract data type, abstraction, adc, addition, algorithm, alpha, analogue electronics, analogue sound, analogue to digital converter, and, and gate, arithmetic shift, array, array list, ascii, ascii85, astableB
base16, base32, base64, battery, binary, binary encoding, binary search, bios, bistable, bit, bit depth, bit field, bit mask, bit rate, bitwise and, bitwise not, bitwise or, bitwise xor, block cipher, block padding, bmp, bubble sort, byteC
canvas, cd, cd-rom, circuit switching, circular queue, cloud computing, cming soon, colour, coming soon, compression, computer music, condition, cryptographic attacks, cryptographic hash, cryptographic modes, cryptography, cssD
dac, decibels, decomposition, decryption, deduplication, denary, dictionary attack, digital, digital to analogue converter, diode, divide, dvd, dynamic data structureE
encapsulation, encryption, envelope, extended asciiF
file format, file server, firmware, flash memort, flash memory, font, fragmentationG
gif, gigabyteH
hard drive, hashing, hex, hexadecimal, hexadecimal encoding, hmac, htmlI
if statement, image, in-place, insertion sort, ip address, iterative hashJ
key derivation, kilobyte, kirchoffs lawL
lamp, lan, latin1, linear search, linked list, list, list based queue, logical shiftM
mac, mac address, major, map, megabyte, memory, mesh network, message authentication code, metadata, monostable, mp3, multiply, musicN
named colours, nand gate, negative, network storage, nibble, none, nor gate, not, not gate, noteO
octave, ohms law, ones complement, op-amp, optical drive, or, or gate, oscillatorP
packet switching, palette, pattern recognition, pdf, petabyte, pixel, place values, png, power, powers of two, private key, pythonQ
quantisation, queueR
raid, ram, random numbers, recursion, relational operator, resistor, resolution, resources, rgb, romS
salting, sample rate, scale, search, semitone, shift, sign bit, signing, sort, sound, sound synthesis, ssd, star network, static data structure, strong hash, subtraction, supercollider, svg, switch, symmetric encryptionT
tape drive, terabyte, timer, transparency, triangle numbers, truth table, turtle graphics, twos complementU
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vector image, voltage controlled oscillatorW
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3-input gate, 555 timerSign up to the Creative Coding Newletter
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555 timer abstract data type abstraction addition algorithm and gate array ascii ascii85 base32 base64 battery binary binary encoding binary search bit block cipher block padding byte canvas colour coming soon computer music condition cryptographic attacks cryptography decomposition decryption deduplication dictionary attack encryption file server flash memory hard drive hashing hexadecimal hmac html image insertion sort ip address key derivation lamp linear search list mac mac address mesh network message authentication code music nand gate network storage none nor gate not gate op-amp or gate pixel private key python quantisation queue raid ram relational operator resources rgb rom search sort sound synthesis ssd star network supercollider svg switch symmetric encryption truth table turtle graphics yenc